Sunday, April 25, 2010

The weekend of
April 23 and April 24th

Hawaiian moose. Satan Compels You. INDONESIA. Double stuff OREO cookies. The Mighty Ducks 3. Amish Death Noodle. Jack Nicholson. Heckling. Leonard Nimoy. The Wonder Twins. Hitch-hiking dogs. Atlantis. Not Atlantis. Toilet paper. No toilet paper. deleted scenes. Death Splinters. Why'd The Chicken? American Idol. Lionel Ritchie. No. Not that one. "Thanks for calling Some Day My Prints Will Come photo mat." Monkeys. MC CryBaby. Renaissance Birthday Prom. Craig? Greg? Tiger Woods. James Wasilewski. Reggae George. Armadillos. Insurance Agents. Angry angry angry moms. Wolfman Jack. Gwen Stefani hiney slaps. B-a-n-a-n-a-s. Unicorns. Star Trek conventions. Weiner mobile. Man-powered coconuts. William Shatner impression. Cat attacks grandma. Happy Birthday in Farsi. A serious scene. Tornadoes. I'm not your father. fish tanks. slapstick comedy.NYUK! NYUK! NYUK! OFF broadway musical. snaps and claps. "Thanks for calling NEGATIVE EXPERIENCE photomat." MURDER! (Bom! Bom! Bommm!)

Well, it was another fun-filled weekend at The HATTheatre.
4 very fun shows full of great energy and lots of laughs.

It was a trip around the world this weekend as the Random Acts guys 'traveled' from Detroit to Indonesia (barely) to Hawaii. We were going to visit the lost city of Atlantis but realized we were in a car. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Along the way we picked up hitch-hikers and ran into William Shatner several times. We were late for work at the jig-saw puzzle factory and airplane plant and made up some pretty wild excuses. Sorry about that.

We explored the question "Why did the chicken and other things cross the road?" We were visited by an Amish ghost and watched helplessly while two men were beaten mercilessly with an inflatable cane. We rapped, we crooned and we performed OCTAVE.

If anyone can tell us what OCTAVE is...please. We'd love to know.

Photos were mixed up at the photo mat and grown men scooted across the stage on their backsides. Serious scenes were performed and players were one of their own. Tourists were dangled over active volcanoes and Satan stopped by to take over things for a little bit and command the players to do his bidding. We scooted across the stage like we had worms and someone brought sandwiches to the deleted scenes from Koyaanisqatsi.

We explored red-neck pole dancing and then we watched helplessly as the redneck removed splinters from his man-parts. We explored the family dynamic and admitted to extra-marital affairs and accused our ungrateful, back-stabbing offspring of squandering our 'straw fortune.'

We danced and swapped characters and we even solved a murder (BOM! BOM! BOM!) Sort of. Who would have known that forgetting to replace the toilet paper could make someone resort to murder?

The fun-filled weekend culminated in a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday in Farsi. Or at the very least something that could have been farsi. Luckily there were no Persians in the audience to correct us.


Thank you once more to Vickie Lynn Scallion and The HATTheatre for letting us play in your great theater. We love our home and we love you.

Thank you to our great and loyal audiences for your funny suggestions and support. There was a lot of love in that theater this weekend and the guys in Random Acts are grateful.

And thank you to our special guest, Mr. Greg "I'm Supposed To Guess The Method?" Smith. Thanks Greg. You brought a lot of energy to the shows this weekend and it was really fun playing with you.

And wait a minute! Was that James Wasilewski up there on stage? It sure was! Although technically on hiatus (rumors that James will appear in the next TWILIGHT movie persist) Random Acts player James Wasilewski made a surprise appearance and played the 9 O' Clock Mainstage Show on Friday Night. Great having you back, James. Hurry back soon. There is entirely too much facial hair in this group and we need someone smooth-faced to mix it up a little.

Our next shows will be
FRIDAY, MAY 21st, 2010
SATURDAY, MAY 22nd, 2010

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